Monday, May 08, 2006

Google Click Fraud Case

In recent news, plaintiffs are expecting more settlement from the click fraud case against Google. I really doubt there is much merit of getting much more.

Would an Ad agent expect a refund if TV watcher switches channels when their Ad is on, or when a newspaper reader skips their Ads while scanning for stories? Still they are paying based on the media’s number of viewers and target audiences. Same story here, most of the plaintiffs know the existence of click fraud but they also know they will still make a profit factoring in the cost and set their bidding price accordingly. They really should not expect much more refund from Google except those few who can prove their case is much higher than industry average.

On the other hand, I am not sure if anybody audited Google’s books. Google is dismissing AdSense sponsors for fraud, and refuse to pay them, and revoke their account sometimes. Meanwhile, they are charging their customers for clicks. If the numbers do not really match on both sides, Google’s credential will be serious questioned.

How about this: If you watch Soprano, but skip the Ads during the break, you will be slapped a penalty from Cable company. Have fun!